General information

Address: Onstadvegen 25, 5745 Aurland
Name of the building: Fjordsenteret
Location in the building: 1st Floor

Office Hours:
Monday – Friday,
08:00 – 15:30, (Lunch hours are 11:30-12:00)

Phone hours: +47 57 63 29 99
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday:


Each appointment lasts 30 minutes. If you need more time than this, longer appointments can be agreed upon with your doctor.

The wait time when the doctor’s office is fully staff is one week for regular appointments. If you request an appointment with a specific doctor, the wait may be longer. If you consider your request to be urgent, we will upon consideration try to get an appointment as soon as the next day (or sooner).

All tests taken at the laboratory must be approved by a doctor. However, you can have urine samples tested at your own request, for testing of urinary infections or pregnancy. These tests can be delivered to the medical secretary.

Everyone working in the office is under a confidentiality duty. This means that no information about you and your health will be shared with outsiders.

Accidents & Emergency Room (A&E)

Telephone number - 116 117

The 24/7 Emergency Room for the area is at Lærdal Hospital. They will transfer you to the relevant doctor or department emergency. 

National Emergency Number (for immediate help): call 113

About Aurland Doctor’s Office

There are three full-time doctors working in Aurland municipality. In addition, there is usually a LIS1 (previously known as an intern) in the municipality. The senior doctor (“Kommunelege I” or “Kommuneoverlege”) is the medical advisor for the municipality and also the responsible doctor for Infection Control and Communicable Diseases and Environmental Health Care for the municipality. For those positions that does not have a doctor, a substitute doctor will be used instead.

Areas/fields of work:

  • Diagnostics and treatment of illnesses and ailments
  • Advice and guidance
  • Health clinic and student health services
  • Supervision function related to AAS
  • Emergency Room (in the daytime – assisting the Lærdal Hospital A&E)
  • Infection control and Environmental health care

The Laboratory at Aurland Doctor’s Office

Opening hours:
Monday 09:00 - 14:00
Tuesday 08:30 - 14:00
Wednesday 09:30 - 14:00
Thursday 08:30 - 14:00
Friday 08:30 - 14:00 (Friday: lab samples that are to be sent away for testing cannot be taken on Fridays, as there is no mail going out on Saturdays)

Services at the laboratory

Blood samples / other tests

  • Upon advice/agreement with doctor
  • After requisition from other doctors or hospitals (patient brings themselves)

Urine samples: scheduling not necessary

  • Sticks/Stix and for cultivation
  • Pregnancy tests

During holidays the laboratory may be closed on selected days.

Scheduling appointments and ordering prescriptions – online

This is Aurland Doctor’s Office’s website for scheduling appointments and ordering/updating prescriptions.

You will be allocated an appointment according to your need and the availability of the doctors. You can also order prescriptions for your previous and ongoing medications. You will find an overview of your electronic prescriptions (“e-resepter”) on You need a Norwegian identity number (D-number, fødselsnummer/birth number or similar) to use the services.

If you need to cancel an appointment, you must contact the doctor’s office at least 24 hours prior to avoid fees.

Note that all messages sent and received through these services will be saved in your medical records.

How to use the online system to book or change your appointment

Please note that you MUST have a Norwegian phone number to this.  

  • Go to (in Norwegian) in order to schedule a doctor’s appointment. Please do not use this service if you are in need of urgent help (for this, call 116117 for the A&E, and 113 for emergencies).
  • In the drop-down menu, the options are:
    • Få time for konsultasjon = schedule new appointment (consultation)
    • Få time for kontroll/attest = schedule new appointment (general check-up)
    • Flytte timen min = reschedule existing appointment
    • Avbestille timen min = cancel existing appointment
    • Vite når jeg har time = find out when my appointment is
    • Annet, se kommentarfelt = other, see comments
  • Continue filling out the form, with as accurate information as possible. Under “Følgende ukedager passer for meg”, you are prompted to select which day a week fits your schedule best (Mon-Fri).
  • The following information may be needed:
    • Fornavn = first name
    • Etternavn = last name
    • Fødselsdato = date of birth
    • Mobilnummer = phone number (this is automatically set to include +47 – if you have a foreign number, you must contact the doctor’s office directly)
    • Kommentar = comments
  • When you click “Neste” (= next), you will receive a pin code to your phone (cost: 6 kroner) to enter into the website as confirmation.
  • You will receive your final confirmation (including appointment time) via text (cost: 6 kroner)

How to use the online system to update your existing prescriptions

 Please note that you MUST have a Norwegian phone number to this.  

  • Go to (in Norwegian)
  • Enter the following information:
    • Fornavn = first name
    • Etternavn = last name
    • Fødselsdato = date of birth
    • Mobilnummer = Norwegian phone number
    • Leveringsmetode = mode of delivery (this is automatically set to “E-resept” = electronic prescription)
    • Medikament(er) – Oppgi navn, styrke, dosering og antall = Medicament, including name, strength, dosage and number
    • Kommentar = comments
  • When you click “Neste” (= next), you will receive a pin code to your phone (cost: 6 kroner), that you must enter as confirmation.
  • You will receive a confirmation via text when your prescription is updated/renewed.

You can also download the phone app HelseRespons to complete these steps.