Teamet er eit lågterskeltilbod og du treng ikkje tilvisning for å be om hjelp frå teamet. Teamet møtes ein gong per månad og tek opp saker med sikte på å gje tilråding til vidare oppfylging.

Foreldre og barn over 16 år kan sjølv søkje om hjelp frå teamet, eller be om bistand frå tilsette ved skule, barnehage, helse osv. Når du søkjer om hjelp frå teamet har du høve til å vere med på møtet sjølv, eller få attendemelding i etterkant. Alt arbeid i Innsatsteamet skjer i samråd og etter samtykke frå den det gjeld.

Du finn meir informasjon i lenkene under, eller ved å kontakte leiar for teamet Unni Mette Flæthe.



Purpose of the respponse team

The response team is part of Aurland municipality´s early multidisciplinary efforts and following-up of children. The target group are children in the age group 0-18 years.

The response team is a multidisciplinary team made up of members from The Pedagogical psychological counselling services, the Child and adolescent psychiatry clinic, the child health clinic/school healthcare services, The Child Welfare Services, mental healthcare services, kindergarten, and school. The midwife joins the team when needed.

A psychiatric nurse is the coordinator of the response team.

The response team is a low-threshold service. An appointment is not needed in order to request support from the team. Parents and children over the age of 16 may seek help from the team on their own.

The members of the team work according to different laws based on the institution they work in, and their profession. In addition, the team´s work is specifically regulated by the Act relating to municipal health and care services, please see sections 1-1 and 3-6, The Norwegian Public Health Act and circular 1-4/2017 relating to low-threshold services.

The response team hold a meeting and process applications once a month. All applications are assessed individually.